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  • Application Security Engineer

    • 23.01.2025
    • Ukraine

    Igor Glynianyi

    Personal recruiter

    E-mail Skype

Our client - the largest bank in Ukraine and one of the most innovative banks in the world, is currently looking for a Application Security Engineer who is eager to work in a dynamic environment and shares the values of mutual trust, openness, and initiative. They seek a dedicated professional who can work in a multitasking mode, focused on quality and results.

           Key Requirements:

  • 2-3 years of experience in application security or related fields such as penetration testing and security architecture
  • Proficiency in using security scanners such as SAST, DAST, SCA, Secret Detection, and Container scanning
  • Basic understanding of software code or any background in software development, including, but not limited to such roles as Developer, Business Analyst, Architect, DevOps, etc
  • Knowledge of OWASP SAMM, BSIM, and Microsoft SDL
  • Knowledge of key infrastructure components like databases, queues, application
    servers, load balancers, NoSQL, etc
  • Understanding of major types of vulnerabilities
  • Knowledge of network protocols such as DNS, HTTP/S, SMTP, SSH, and FTP
  • Ability to independently research information and solve complex problems

  • Any cyber security certifications would be a plus

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