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Онлайн-курс "Життєстійкість"
8Запрошуємо на просвітницько-підтримуючий курс, де ми шукатимемо інсайти у 4 темах:
4 теми, що визначають нашу життєстійкість та суттєво впливають на якість життя.
Курс складається з 10 тематичних онлайн-зустрічей, кожній темі присвячується три інтерактивні вебінари.
Формат - тематичні діалоги, рефлексія, практичні
Буде корисним для всіх, хто хоче йти собі назустріч за будь-яких обставин.
Через самопізнання, дослідження своїх переконань, очікувань, світогляду та емоційно-психологічних механізмів крокуємо до своєї життєстійкості.
Зустріч 1-2.
Зустріч 3-4-5.
Зустріч 6-7-8.
Зустріч 9-10.
Автор та ведуча курсу - Наталія Тилка, психолог, soft skills coach, партнер @ SKILLERS. Супервізор із навчання запатентованій методиці по роботі зі стресом - методу безоціночного усвідомленого спостереження.
За плечимо Наталії:
- 13 років розробки та проведення авторських тренінгів, спрямованих на розвиток "м'яких" навичок учасників та розкриття їх потенціалу у професійній та особистісній сферах.
- 7 років психологічного консультування.
- 20 років участі у дослідницькому проєкті з вивчення впливу розвитку усвідомленості на життя людини у всіх сферах (Центр томалогії).
Тривалість курсу з 28 вересня - по 28 грудня 2024 року.
ГРАФІК ЗАНЯТЬ узгоджується додатково з учасниками: суботні ранки + будній вечір
ВАРТІСТЬ участі у повному курсі - 11900 грн.
Можлива оплата двома частинами - 50% суми до початку навчання, решта суми оплачується до завершення курсу.
Дружинам та партнер(к)ам військових передбачена знижка.
Anastasiya Tabolich
Head of Talent Acquisition Department, EPAM BY
Firstly the EPAM (Belarus) recruitment team met Natalia five years ago at the corporate training in Minsk which eventually laid the basis for the further effective and long-lasting partnership. Over time EPAM’s recruitment department has been transformed into the Talent Acquisition department and business requirements and needs have accordingly changed the focus from professional skills improvement to employees potential development trainings. The core team has become more and more mature the cooperation with Natalia has reached such a level when any team member can get advice and support from her even during the post-training period. As team leader I have been watching colleagues" professional growth and development over these years and can confidently say that our success is due to the fruitful collaboration with Natalia and her training sessions in which she acted not only as mentor, but also as a person guiding towards the right direction of personal development. I have the chance to work with various companies providing trainings and development programs for employees and have had the opportunity to compare and assess the effect they had on my team’s performance. I would definitely recommend Natalia as one of the best trainers in the CIS region especially to those people who appreciate professional maturity and self-confidence in their team members.
Alyona Leonova
Lead of HR department, Comodo Inc
I have seen Natalya`s work from different points of view - at HR meet-ups, at her workshops, and as an invited business trainer for our company. And whatever kind of meeting it was, I always got information to think and apply the changes. You come out as a new person not in scale but in details. Natalya finds contact with people and leads them to realization of their own features and helps to go through the situations/fears/complexes with new look at them. And there are always surprises for people to see of what they are capable and what reactions can other people have. Natalya knows well EQ and always shows the simple and natural examples so anyone who works with her can understand what it is and what to do. The games she plays during trainings are always fun and during whole time Natalya keeps people in one stream. We will for sure work more together. I definitely recommend to work with Natalya if you need to improve your soft skills.
Ivanna Tabachuk
Head of Recruitment Department, Ignite Outsourcing
I have attended a couple of Natalia’s trainings and am definitely planning to participate in the new ones in the future:) Natalia creates an interesting and engaging learning environment and provides well-structured and useful materials. I specifically like her training sessions for their lively atmosphere, unique approach to every participant and the opportunity to discuss not the abstract situations, but our own work-related cases. A chance to solve work problems in real time with the help of Natalia is a truly valuable experience that makes us look at things from a different perspective and learn from our past mistakes. One becomes a better version of themselves after Natalia’s trainings, so I would like to thank for her hard work!
Anastasiya Zhytnyk
Director, Matrix42 Ukraine
I have been cooperating with Natalia for a couple of years and she has been acting as a trainer for management, recruitment consultant and even an “organizational/corporate climate” analyst. I would like to note that always positive feedback from our team members after attending Natalia’s trainings eventually prompted us to establish close cooperation. Moreover, she has also helped us greatly when interviewing people for the key positions in our company. Natalia’s individual and unconventional approach resonates with the majority of people. She is able to understand the way people think and explain it to others in simple terms. Natalia is simply awesome:)